Please use this page to make payments / donations / fundraising for mission trips. All payments use the same page. Simply find the trip and then select the trip participant's name to make payment. If you're making the payment for your own trip, follow the same steps. Thanks!
To make a general donation to a specific reach, please choose REACH Trips as the participant.
***Please review the payment guidelines below regarding trip donations***
Thank you for partnering with The Crossing Church as we serve our partners. You are an important component in the spiritual journey of the trip member who has reached out to you for financial assistance. By contributing to a mission, you are partnering with The Crossing Church and advancing The Great Commission detailed in Matthew 28:16-20.
Please note and accept the following terms in regards to your donation:
I may indicate a specific person whom I would prefer to receive the benefit of my contribution but agree to allow The Crossing Church Reach Ministry complete discretion and control of my donation(s).
I understand my contribution is non-refundable and tax deductible.
Funds raised by the specified team member in excess of that individual’s fund-raising goal for a trip will be used to cover trip expenses, including shortage of other team members.
Funds raised in the excess of the team fund goal & exceeding actual funds needed for the trip will be used for the future mission needs at the discretion of The Crossing Church Reach Ministry.
I understand if a trip is cancelled my donation will be applied to the General Mission Fund to be used by The Crossing Church Reach Ministry at their discretion.